Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Understanding Critics

Youtube is one of my favorite internet sources when I want to learn something. It offers "Do it yourself" videos of different skills. However, it is also a haven of the meanest and worst critics in the world. What's so appalling is the fact that no matter how good you think a video is, there'd always be people who'd like to express their unreasonable comments about it. It's like an addiction. They can't live without saying something negative about others.

 There are two kinds of critics. The first is a good one, the constructive critic. This is a person who tells something negative for the sake of improvement. This person's only reason of expressing a negative comment is to help, not destroy. Moreover, he does it professionally and extremely discreet. The second kind of critic is a person who gives criticism for his own pleasure. This person's sole purpose is to destroy a happy mood.

The second kind of critic is our subject today. Let's dig deeper into the souls of these hated individuals in order to understand them. 
Let's start by considering their family backgrounds. Most critics were raised in a bad household. They have this emptiness since their childhood brought about by cruelty, violence, hardship and independence. Some of them were spoiled by their parents. This unpleasant root caused them to view life negatively. 

Next, let's enter their minds. Having an unpleasant family background is destructive, emotionally speaking. Because of this, critics deceived themselves into believing that they can overcome all obstacles in life by destroying their fellowmen. They think that they can be on top by trampling other people's heads. 

Lastly, let's take a look at their current environment. 
Critics are obvious in the society. If you're a keen observer, you can easily spot a critic. Therefore, if they're obvious,  people know them. And if you know that you're sitting next to a critic, I don't think you'd feel comfortable. You're going to avoid him, right? Thus, this kind of environment made these critics worse. They are actually wounded souls seeking love and understanding but it seems all people hate and avoid them. So they resort to criticizing more to "fill" the emptiness in their hearts. Their criticisms are actually their defense mechanism against rejection. 

You can't give love that
you don't have.
Now that you've learned something about these emotionally wounded people, let me ask you dear reader, what are you going to do? As a Christian, I'd say show them that you care. Listen but don't agree with them when they start criticizing others. Be interested in their lives. Do good things to them. In other words, LOVE THEM. If you do this, they might change. 

However, if you don't have Jesus in your heart, loving someone so unlovable is impossible. 

                    Photo credits to: freedigitalphotos.net