Monday, June 25, 2012

A Poem that Satan Hates

The Church of God, how splendid it is

Hidden and discovered like spring under mist

Its power is something that brings eternal peace

Salvation from sin, sanctification of devotees.

Membership here is not by enlisting your names

Nor water baptism like others proclaim

Leaving your sins and to God you acclaim

That’s the only way to get the Christian name.

Please know the Church of God is Christianity

Composed of all saints united and free

Our founder is not human but Jesus of Galilee

God made flesh to establish His decree.

Now one thing people should really know about

The Church is only one it can never breakout

Thus sectarianism is the devil’s hideout

Created to divide, conquer and knockout.

So please truthseekers hear our calling

Come out from sectism, it’s a dangerous thing

Their leaders teach you that Christians still sin

And many are just after your tithes and offerings.