Sunday, June 24, 2012

A Ridiculous Warning

There is a man who wanted to warn his fellows about a very dangerous bus. He told them, "Hey guys! Be warned that there's a passenger bus in our town that may take you to your death. This bus is not well-maintained and it often loses its break. Moreover, its driver is a drunkard and he's hiding his whiskey bottle beside the driver's seat!" His shocked fellows asked intensely, "Oh, thank you for your concern. May we know its plate number?" The man answered in a sad voice, "I'm really sorry I can't tell you. I don't want to offend the bus company. You know, they have a reputation to protect." Then the man left the bewildered crowd.

You might be thinking right now, "How ridiculous!" I agree with you. What's the use of warning the people if he doesn't specifically mention the plate number and the bus company? He just created paranoia among the people! He compromised the safety of the people for the sake of protecting a drunkard driver and an irresponsible bus company.

Now, why did I tell you this story? This story is a representation of truth exposition. Truly concerned Christians aren't like this man. It's our duty to protect the souls of our fellowmen from false prophets. We are not going to compromise the truth for the sake of pleasing false  prophets. It is our utmost endeavor to get you out of eternal danger so please don't misunderstand that we're destroying other groups. How will you expose the truth without mentioning the false? If we aren't basing our exposition in the Bible, then this is wrong. But we have proofs whenever we expose false teachings. Why don't you ask us? We have our websites for you to send your questions to.
Before I became a Christian, I secretly questioned the truth. I questioned sinless life and holiness. I thought it's impossible. To my surprise, the ministers of the Church of God answered all my questions without me asking them! It seems they've read my mind. Through them, I've known that Christians don't commit sin when I read 1 John 3:9, Hebrew 12:14, 1 John 5:18, Matthew 5:48, Romans 6:6-7 and many other Bible proofs. I've learned that Christianity is not a membership group. That the only way of membership in the Church of God is NOT by enlisting but by salvation from sin. I also learned that God abhors sectarianism because it creates confusion in Christianity. I will eternally thank God for this truths that set me free!

When one is saved, he learns to love the souls of his fellowmen. He sees unbelievers as lost souls in need of salvation. We feel the need to warn the people! This is the main purpose of our salvation. To spread the truth that you may also experience this amazing salvation that we're experiencing. Oh if only you, dear reader would swallow thy pride and humble down yourself, God will work in your heart and you shall see what great blessing you may receive.

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